Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures Episode 1
Taken From ANNThemes: Mecha, Real RobotAge rating: Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)Plot Summary: Kazuki Yotsuga is your regular average nerd in high-school, except he isn't smart. He has this website which relates to his visions that only he can see. His vision's are about robots who keep fighting each other battle after battle. One day he is sent to a, "parallel world" where these visions exist and he joins a company to fight back against the devious RaRa, who want to take over the world.A Word from meThis anime has been one of my first anime , and I am glad about it. Considering animes after 2000 an anime made in 1999 does lack in picture quality. But still due to the story its still worth to watch. and this anime has a very very good end ;)~Ukp~
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